Our Aims
To act as a source of information and recommendations on museums and sustainable development for the ICOM community.
To offer guidance and support to ICOM members, national, international, and standing committees on sustainable development initiatives, including partnerships with other nonprofit organizations.
To foster a set of values and ethical recommendations regarding museums and sustainable development that align with the ICOM Code of Ethics and ICOM Strategic Plan.
To develop an ICOM archive of shared resources on museums and sustainable development.
To support the ICOM capacity-building programs, units and initiatives devoted to enhancing the knowledge and skills of museum professionals regarding the Agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals.
To support the ICOM membership regarding opportunities relating to grants, awards, and fellowships in sustainable development initiatives.
To collaborate with the ICOM General/Triennial Conferences, National and International Committees Annual Conferences and International Museum Day.
To promote the sharing of knowledge between countries on sustainability of museum operations and fostering public understanding and engagement in climate change (advancing Action for Climate Empowerment, Article 12, Paris Agreement).
Download ICOM SUSTAIN STRATEGIC PLAN, 2024-2027 (approved November 2024)
Download ICOM SUSTAIN BYLAWS (approved March 2024)